Friday, March 27, 2009

A New Direction

What to say…Well I think that in a sense I’m going to take my blog in a different direction. In another sense I am not. I’m going to try to write more from the cuff and gut, not planning every word, but being honest and sincere. Transparent as well. I’m going to write about more varieties of things, and yet still keep it spiritual. I’m going to keep it more raw Tina and less polished. Maybe it wasn’t very polished before, but I was too picky and fearful of what others might say or twist what I wrote to say before and I wasn’t getting a lot of writing done. In a sense for me this is a new beginning in my blog-o-spere, I’m taking it as that. Feel free to read my previous posts but I feel a few of them where putting the cart before the horse. Relevant to my life at the time and a definite way for me to vent, but not exactly the order I’d like things to go in.
What do I want for my blog? First of all, spiritually, I want to point all men and women to Christ and God. Second, share about my life as a women of God in this world. Lastly, anything else in between, just share myself as I said I want to be transparent.
There’s a song that has a line, “ In all of life, it comes down to just one thing, and that’s to know You oh Jesus, and make You known.” I always loved singing this song and this line because it exemplified the cry of my heart from the time I was small. God knows my passion, my heart, my desire, and I have full faith the He will use me and this blog how simple or silly that may seem. My prayer is that if you are searching for God you’re searching fairly and not in a way that makes it impossible for Him to show you how much He truly does care. My next blog will cover more of that. God bless you and keep you.