Saturday, March 28, 2009


Part 1

Even the best built building will fall if its foundation is faulty. Walls will not stand if the foundation cannot hold them. A foundation must be built out of the right materials in order to be ready and able to hold and sustain walls. Sand will not hold a building like stone or a derivative of stone will. This thought had recently come to me when I was thinking about people who walk away from faith in God. If your basic idea of God is wrong everything else based off of that is going to be wrong. In turn you could see why so many people give up on the whole idea of God in general. People are given a pseudo gospel in our American culture and I believe this leads to so much of the disillusionment within Christianity. Another source we come by is a false definition of God, either by our own fabrication or the information of others. You see God is… just as we are. I am not a certain way because others will me to be that way, but I am who I am. God made man (humankind) in His image and this is an example of that. We can’t make God, God is already in existence as He is and is going to be. Does this make sense? You see too many people try to make God into what they want Him to be and when He doesn’t fit their mold they get angry and leave the whole thing behind. Instead they should have taken the time to get to know God for who He is and not made Him into their own idea. So If you want the right foundation in Christianity make sure you have a picture of who God IS first, anything else will louse up your structure. If you want to know God as He IS pray that He alone will show you, read the Bible - it will give you a clear picture of His character; His perfection, justice, love and grace. God is real He exists and He longs for you to know Him intimately, If you seek Him you will find Him.