Monday, July 7, 2008

Small labor of love=Big Dream

My post this evening is not of the normal nature of my blog, but I'm beaming with pride for my uncle and I cannot help but share my exuberance with whomever may find them self reading this. Earlier this summer he and his wife and their two small children set out on a cross-country road trip to deliver a very special project he has poured himself into for not just the last 6 months, 16 hours a day, 5 days a week, but it is also something he has been tinkering with for over 20 years and that is building small wood replicas of buildings and skyscrapers. Which he has delivered to the skyscraper museum in New York. Here is an article that tells in more detail his story and a little of his journey.

The one funny thing to me is that he mentions the nuts and bolts that he used for his cities when he was a child. But he doesn't mention they are the very nuts and bolts my father (his 11 year older brother) had told him not to touch after he had set them aside from taking parts off of a car. When he says his cities were unlike any anyone has ever seen he is only telling what is true to the stories I have only been told my whole life.