An interesting thought came to me the other day. I've been dwelling on it quite a bit lately. "How willing am I to lose friends for Christ? even 'christian' friends?" I mean there were plenty of people who knew the ins and outs of scripture like the back of their hands back in Jesus' day. When enough people were watching they could clean themselves up pretty good, they knew how to act holy and what prayers to pray. And yet, when it came down to it Jesus Himself saw their deeds and called them white-washed tombs. He didn't want to have anything to do with them. He also says in Revelation He wishes christians would either be hot or cold rather than lukewarm. And again He said you cannot serve two masters you will hate one or the other, you cannot serve God and your belly, or better put the lust of your flesh (Tina paraphrased). I could go on and on. My point is this God wants all, not some! I'm getting tired of people who know better thinking they can get away with giving some as if it were all as if God's not going to notice. If Acts 5:1-10 has taught us anything it's that this line of thinking will only get you into trouble. To paraphrase Proverbs 6:27; Can you take fire into your bosom and not get burned. God shows no partiality. Back to my original quandary, I expect in life to lose some people as friends who don't share my same beliefs, but what about those who say they believe as I do, but their lives are completely opposed to what they speak. I don't know but I feel those days aren't too far away for me. I do know that It's good to remember "never the righteous man (or woman) forsaken."
Monday, June 16, 2008
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